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PENTAGO by Mindtwister

Pentago is a strategy game played on a 6×6 board divided into four 3×3 sub-boards (or quadrants).

Taking turns, the two players place a marble of their colour onto an unoccupied space on the board, and then rotate one of the sub-boards by 90 degrees either clockwise or anti-clockwise.

The object of the game is to get five in a row, but you must be wary of your opponent and keep ahead of the game to be successful because the alignment of your marbles can be changed without warning.

This causes the game to dynamically change, making for a dynamically fun game experience for both beginners and masters alike.


  • Game Of The Year in Sweden, Germany, France, Finland and Belgium.
  • The game has won more awards and sold more than any other Swedish board game.
    - Toty toy of the year award 2010
    - Good-Toy awards
    - 2027 game of the year award
    - Mensa selected winner
    - Dr Toy best vacation children's product 2006
    - The national parenting center seal of approval
    - 2006 grand prix
    ​​​​​​​plus more! 

2 Players

Ages 8+


Regular price $45.00

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PENTAGO by Mindtwister

Pentago is a strategy game played on a 6×6 board divided into four 3×3 sub-boards (or quadrants).

Taking turns, the two players place a marble of their colour onto an unoccupied space on the board, and then rotate one of the sub-boards by 90 degrees either clockwise or anti-clockwise.

The object of the game is to get five in a row, but you must be wary of your opponent and keep ahead of the game to be successful because the alignment of your marbles can be changed without warning.

This causes the game to dynamically change, making for a dynamically fun game experience for both beginners and masters alike.


  • Game Of The Year in Sweden, Germany, France, Finland and Belgium.
  • The game has won more awards and sold more than any other Swedish board game.
    - Toty toy of the year award 2010
    - Good-Toy awards
    - 2027 game of the year award
    - Mensa selected winner
    - Dr Toy best vacation children's product 2006
    - The national parenting center seal of approval
    - 2006 grand prix
    ​​​​​​​plus more! 

2 Players

Ages 8+

Drawer Title
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